Sunday, March 7, 2010


Last night as I was intercepting a profound encounter with Jesus, I felt like for the first time I was released from the legalism of this fast. I wasn't "called" to the daniel fast. I wasn't told by God to fast for 21 days. Those things are a fact, another fact is that Jason and I are walking thru a season of confusion and uncertainties and I believe in the power of prayer and fasting. I have said all along that I have expectancy, not expectations of what God can reveal to us if we fast. However, as much as I say that, I didn't realize what I was saying until I encountered the grace of God on the matter. No mater what I said, I was still imprisoned by the law of a fast. I started to really search my heart on what fasting meant to Jesus. And in my revelation of this, the theories that I want to take as my own, simply were spun into the same cycle as they usual are. "If i fail i will not be blessed, if i sacrifice for 21 days God will bless us with the answers we are looking for" This goes against everything I have written. The Lord spoke clearly to me last night my own words, "you can NOT earn my blessing by fasting, tithing, praying, following rules ect, you are ALREADY blessed because I sent my son to shed blood upon the cross to cover you for all eternity so you could just BE blessed". WOW! The statement i wrote in my first blog "Don't think of fasting to get something FROM God, but rather to just get more Of God" sums it up beautifully. How did I miss it? Well, simply because I was bound by the law. As I sat there last night for the 1st time, I released God from the expectations of doing FOR me... and just sat in his grace for a while. I heard him say "This fast is partly to show you how to walk out what you say. You say you want to walk in and by my grace, you even write it for the world to see. I know that is what your hearts desire, and thus be the purpose for me asking you to walk in grace tomorrow. Remove the law of your fast. No time limit, No rules, No legalism. Tomorrow, on the sabbath day, I want you to live by grace. And I want you to enjoy life with me, not because of what I can do for you, or what you can do for me. Just because of our love for each other". What a man he is! Today is a day of Grace, and so is every day forever. Today we followed no rules we fasted, but not food. We fasted the law. And tomorrow, when we continue our daniel fast, it will NOT be because of the written law. It will be because the Holy Spirit in us has prompted us to continue searching for more clarity. We will not be bound by the rules, we will be bound in the grace of God.

For the record, the title of this blog is Love Shack baby Love Shack, because prior to writing this blog, I smashes a cheeseburger and onion rings off my face. And I just want to say for the record, Grace taste amazing.

"I was called to be free" ~ Galatians 5:13


  1. I am glad that God is walking with you thru this fast, be it food or otherwise. I don't know that He CALLED me to fast, but I said I wanted to...said I was fasting to bring things in my life into submission, said I wanted to kill my flesh...and am happy that I have done well. For me, it was important that I stick to the plan because swaying from the plan is what I normally do in my life. It wasn't about "law" so much as it was about me keeping my word.
    It was important that my way of eating LOOK very, very different than how I normally eat. See, I've done this fast enough times, that I've learned how to technically be fasting and not really breaking any of the "rules" per say, but not really feeling the physical impact of the fast. I've learned to prepare vegetables, fruits, legumes, and nuts in such a way that it doesn't really even seem like a fast. And then God said to me....but you're missing the point. You see, for me, it can't be about figuring out a way to NOT feel the impact of the fast. I SHOULD be hungry. I SHOULD find myself saying "no" more than "yes". And it should be that way in my everyday walk with Jesus. Because in any given day, I have hundreds of opportunities to take the easy road. But the narrow road is the one to walk. The one that doesn't look like all the others.
    So on this, my 21st day of fasting, I am grateful that He gave me supernatural strength to walk out what I said I would do. And what He has revealed to me in the process was worth every single day.

    God used you, today, Alyse. He used this post to reveal to me what He was teaching ME over the past 21 days. Thank you for messaging me today. I love you!

  2. My Cristie... this is the wonderful thing about Jesus huh?!?!?! He has a different lesson for each of us and he can use the same tool to reveal in us what he needs us to do/see. I love that thru both of our fast, he is talking, and walking us thru it. I appreciate your obedience to your fast because if I hadn't heard about your commitment to it, I would have probably never thought to do it. And I am so glad we are doing it because it is waking us up and showing us the truth that is setting us free!!!!!

    I love you!
