Monday, March 8, 2010

~Take FIVE~

I stumbled upon this you tube video and it made my day! These are two women of God that I aspire to be like. They are both bold, wise, funny, beautiful, confident and STRONG women of God. They are not afraid to speak truth! The are passionate communicators, they uplift, encourage and rally women all over the world to do something productive in the kingdom of God. That being said... it is so nice to see them be just two chicks getting there hair did. What I would do to be the stylist in that room!

Check it out... it will make you laugh!

This just reminded me that being used in the Kingdom is important. But taking a break to feed your own needs is also important. God wants to do something with us, of course... but more than that, he wants to do something IN US! He will never use us at our own expense. So, could Charlotte and Chris been studying to be more effective in the night session of the women's event. Maybe, but they had roots and split ends. So... a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

In the same way I think that God wants me to depend on him to take care of my needs each time i am imbetween assignments for the kingdom. For instance, during this time of searching, Jason and I aren't REALLY involved in a whole lot of ministry. We have made ourselves available here and there, but are schedules are sure more open than they were at the previous church we attended. I think it is my nature to feel the pressure to fill all the time with things to DO for God. When maybe, he really just wants us to just allow him to pamper us and take care of OUR needs. The difference in allowing a time of being filled up so that we can serve effectively again and being just lazy is this; we want to be full of God so that we can pour it out on the lost and broken people of the kingdom. When we are empty again, we will come back and get filled up again. Just like these two ladies, they aren't going to miss the session to get pampered, they just took 5 to get pampered so they would look and feel their best at the next service.

I like this. It makes me happy.

"I was called to be free" ~ Galatians 5:13

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